Many of you have followed our Valentine Countdown and seen how we've been celebrating. I think I should have coined it a Valentine Challenge, instead of a "countdown"...
Yes, at the end of last week, we made homemade Valentines.
Yes, we played Chopstick Candy Chase from our Valentine Countdown. And, yes we even read new Valentine books.
But, I have to be "REAL with you. Our 14-day countdown has been a challenge. Why has it been so hard to complete these simple activities to look for love, extend love, and express love?
Let me be "REAL" honest with you on some hasn't been all XOXOX's (hugs and kisses). I think some days when I have marked the calendar with "X," it has symbolic meaning! Don't get me wrong, I have loved all the fun we have had, but it hasn't been easy. You know, can't find the glue, an extra run to Wal-Mart because you forgot that one thing you need, the library didn't have THAT book on the shelf, but they can get it for you, etc.
Today, the carpet isn't covered in rose petals, but Kleenexes. "Momma, I just can't use the same one twice!"
The florist didn't ring the doorbell, but more about that later...
To be "REAL" frank, I am not in even in red or pink, but in a black t-shirt, no shower, no make-up and my little guys is in his pajamas sleeping on his "sick bed" on the couch. Ouch, is right! This is not how I thought our Valentine's Day would be celebrated when we started our countdown. I had plans!!!
I think, the hardest thing, was not letting Jeremiah (100.1 degree temperature this morning at 3:38 a.m.) go to preschool and exchange Valentines today. He works so hard in preschool. Loves all his classmates. And wrote his name and the names of his classmates on EACH Valentine (x20 - that's a big deal). But just what do those valentines symbolize? Love, right? The very thing we are suppose to celebrate today!
But wait! Love did arrive today.
Didn't the doorbell ring to find a special friend delivering all of Jeremiah's preschool "valentines" from his preschool buddies filled with a treat bag full of candy?! Yes, we read each one. Sweet...just isn't the word!
Didn't the doorbell ring to find a hand extending a VENTI regular...not decaf?!! Yes, I'm still savoring "the love!"
This Valentine's Day, I am reminded that "REAL" love is from "above." What love was lavished from these Valentines!
Yes, we have been counting "down" and making efforts to celebrate here, but as a friend encourages me, "look up!" REAL love finds us. REAL love is perfect. If God is love, how can it be anything less? So even if our best made plans fail, our creative efforts flounder, lofty expectations foil..."REAL" love doesn't fail. I can hear Jesus, the Lover of my Soul say, that His Love, that "REAL" love from above, it just DOES NOT FAIL!
Do you think that a "REAL" Valentine's Day seems a little like Thanksgiving? :)
Amen, sweet sister, Amen!
Praying Jeremiah is feeling well soon!!
Much love
CIndy :)
Hope Mr. Handsome is feeling better soon!
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