I don't like home improvement projects. True! Some gals love to watch the HGTV channel and some fellas consider themselves a real Bob Villa. Even, my hubby loves those flipping shows. Not me. It is enough for me to keep the house up, vacuum, dust, and I am proud when the dishwasher is empty. We won't revisit my my laundry issues, but you can. Seriously, why take a part your home when you work so hard to keep it all together?
Well, we did. For a long time, I have wanted to paint the kitchen because the wallpaper has had a good life.
And somewhere in the 3rd hour while our son was under the dining room table (pirate ship) sticking his head out of where the leaf should be and playing "below deck, matey," my husband asks me, "Are you having fun?" I didn't smile. But, I did answer, "No, but I am writing a blog about this" and we did laugh. Because my prayer during the whole project today was, "He makes all things new! HE makes all things new. He makes all thing NEW." Do you know that verse? God encourages us with Rev. 21:5 and says, "Behold, I make all things new."
Do you ever see God doing something in your life in layers? I do. Sometimes, it is removing sin. Others it is getting to the core of an issue. Or currently, illuminating Truth. It is like His X-ray vision can see right through to the beauty of His clarity. And we benefit and He is glorified. But it is work!! We just have to trust His methods. For me, it hasn't been all at once, but in His timing. Steadily revealing what I have needed Him to through His Word, Holy Spirit, and others.
How thankful that God doesn't leave us like this. He is faithful! He is complete. He is ever aware of what we need. Just trust. Because He is ever working, never tires, and is ever patient. Thank you, Jesus!
Each time I would tear huge pieces of the papger off, there would be another layer or residue underneath. Then, I would get a whole wall paper-free, and find little peices in the the corners. But now, we have these fresh clean walls. Ready for the beauty of a fresh coat of paint. It was worth it.
In that same verse, John is told "Write: for these words are true and faithful." How grateful, I am that John did. How else would I have gotten through today's tangle of ivy! But for my life, I clinge to these words in faith and in prayer. Each layered step in His Kingdom is for Him, by Him, through Him, and for His glory. Tonight, as I look at the clear walls of my future, it looks bigger. It looks hopeful! I wonder, how do You want to paint it? I can't wait...there are so many colors to choose from...I know You will pick just the right shade, Father!
Where are you in "the project?" What is He doing to the walls of your heart? Making them new?! Hope to hear from you in the "New" Year!
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