When I was young, I CANNOT count the number of times I would introduce myself, "Hi, I am April!" only to hear, "Really? Where are May and June?" HA HA, big laughs...not after the 5,000th time!
Well, to all those that have shared that famous line, let me just tell you that this APRIL is glad that MAY is gone and JUNE is here! Amen?!
Whew...I don't know about you, but May was a whirlwind! I know, I know, some thought I was cyberfasting, others thought that I was protesting social media as some grand political or moral statement, then I was even asked, "Have you disappeared?!" Ummm, not according to my calendar! :) The truth is, I just got overwhelmed and busy.
Right now, I am sitting in our NEW deck furniture listening to crickets with rope lighting illuminating the laptop. Mmmm...Mmmm...Good! Not only am I welcoming a new month, but a fresh season. Fresh veggies! Fresh fruits! Fresh air! And a fresh page on the calendar! Welcome June!
Would you like to see where May went?
May was filled-in with Mother's Day, preschool activities, T-ball,
a speaking opportunity at a Mother/Daughter Tea,
the end of our first girls' Bible Study (with a great teaching team by the way),
Birthday Traditions,Preschool program (see red-headed clown) and graduation (see red-headed sweetheart), 2 shots at Jeremiah's 5 year check-up,
our 13th anniversary (...thus the new deck furniture)
and the most demanding time of the year for my Hubcap's job...just to name a few things on the Family Calendar. Look or sound familiar?
There was just so much going on, I had to focus on what was important and immediate. At the start of the month with several doctor appts. and tests, I even took a break from blogging, Facebook, and things that I could, when I was having some tingling and numbness in my face. Praise the Lord, I got a clean bill of health and have been feeling fine with no more symptoms. All is well, but later this summer I will follow-up with the neurologist to see if any more migrane symptoms have continued.
So, what is so fresh about June, you ask?
I wrote this verse on Jeremiah's preschool graduation inviations to go along with a poem that was printed, ..."Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Ps. 90:12). So with that in mind, I want to have more of a quality summer, than a quantity one. Are you in?!
I counted there are 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Did you know that? So, with school starting well before that, I want to be intentional about these days that I have with my family (specifically with Jeremiah before Kindergarten).
In the coming days, I hope to share about teaching Jeremiah to read (we have been working on Mmmmm...Mmmmm, as you might have guessed), our Friday Faith-Based Field Trips, family visits, and reflecting on the Liberty Home Bible Insitute Pogram as I take my last two exams. We focus so much on timing and planning, and God's Word does tell us to be mindful of our days, but so that they mmmm...mmmm...may bring us wisdom, not weariness.
So, join us for a FUN summer!
Loved all of the pics!!! Thanks so much for sharing! And yes, I will join you for a FUN summer!
Love to you
Cindy :)
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