6:30 a.m. I woke up with sniffles, sneezes, and sinus pressure. Great! Flu season!
9:00 a.m. I grazed another car in Hardee’s parking lot where I promised our son we would have a breakfast date before swimming lessons this week. Oh no!
10:15 a.m. I ran my right shoulder into the footrest of the lifeguard stand as I read NO RUNNING printed on the pool deck, but resumed walking ever-so swiftly to get to the potty. Oooocccchhh!
12:30 p.m. I laughed out loud as our son finally yells “I spy Jesus!” in the Vietnamese pedicure salon after he said he didn’t want to play anymore! What a barefoot moment! Jesus WAS there, ceramic, right above the door!
But back to Hardees! After circling the parking lot twice debating what to do, there wasn’t any damage done to the other car…just ours, I much more carefully pulled into the same space. I prayed. God whispered, I don’t know why you are stressing out about this, don’t you think I’ll take care of you? Into Hardees we go. As I told the Hardees employee that I hit her car, she interrupted me and said, “Don’t worry about it honey!” Thank you, God! Sorry, God!
As I got home with a scratched car and new fresh coat of paint on my toes, I ran to get my camera for a barefoot picture on Launch Day! After several attempts inside, I ran out onto our back deck. I thought, this is has been Fall for two weeks and I am freezing out just trying to get a picture! As I rested my newly pedicured toes on the ottoman, the autumn breeze nudged the clouds from where they hovered and the sun broke through and shined on my tiny toes! See the shadow behind it all?! It was like the largest star in our solar system was just shining on me...right where I was...on September 30th...days into Autumn...Launch Day! Snap! My beautiful barefoot picture!
It got me thinking...see why I need a blog…Seasons change! A morning like today would have consumed me in a different season. Now, although excellent fodder for the blog, I am reminded of whose Light I am in NO matter what is going on around me. Whether in public needing to ask for forgiveness, in a pool trying to follow the rules, or smack-dab in a pedicure salon pampering myself, I reflect the one true Light of the World! If His shadow supports me, then I should reflect His Light in all I do and be a light for all to see.
What a great summer! So much of this past season has lead me to this point...the point of going public with all my ramblings of faith this Fall. I'm flattered that you have even read this far! I look forward to sharing my seasons with you! Come’n into the new site, take your shoes off, stay a while! My prayer is, Lord, if not a blinding light, let me be a flickering candle to go light Your World.
Perfect, April! I love everything about it, from the colors to the content. Great stuff. What a wonderful addition to the blogging community you are going to be. I can't wait to read what you write. Your insight never fails to bless me. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Lots of love!
What a great 'launch' post! Looking forward to reading all you have to share :)
Welcome to the blog world!
Go April! I am having trouble posting comments because I have no profile, however I don't think I will be blogging anytime soon! But you blog looks great. I can't wait to read the next post :) --Terri
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